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'20 Free Agent Bicycles Specs PDF
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Features of FreeAgent Bicycles

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Among the bicycle motocross bicycle motocross and extreme riding styles are greatly popular with FreeAgent bikes.


Under the FreeAgent brand, the American company KHS produces high-quality modern BMX bikes. In the range of the brand you can find models for both beginners athletes and for professional riders.


About the level of bicycle FreeAgent says the fact that the Latvian cyclist Maris Strtrobergs used the company's bike in his professional career.


The athlete became the champion of peace and Europe.


In 2008 in Beijing and in 2012 in London, Strtrobergs won gold medals of the Olympic Games in the BMX discipline.


FreeAgent BMX bicycle frame is made of durable light aluminum alloy 6061, the plug is from chromolibdden alloy.


Wide tires in size 20 x 2.35 inches provide additional depreciation and stability when performing jumps and tricks.


Bikes have rear rim brakes.


BMX bikes have a small diameter wheels - 20 inches. They are not supplied with a multi-speed transmission - a bike has only one transmission.

The mass of the frame with all mounted equipment is an average of 11 kg. Due to the low dimensions, small wheels, the special design of the steering wheel and the BMX steering column, the bike has increased maneuverability, stability and durability.


BMX trick bike has such features:


- durable and lightweight frame design in the form of two triangles;


- application of batting technology for high-quality ray strengthening;


- a wide box shape of the rim;


- the presence of a crossbar on the steering wheel;


- steering removal from a solid aluminum element;


- Increased area and fork thickness;


- The presence of pegs for BMX tricky bicycles.